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San Domenico Cafè gives the utmost attention to the confidentiality, protection and security of the information in its possession, even more so if it relates to the personal data of its customers and the people it enters into contact with.
The Navigator of this site is therefore encouraged to visit all sections of the Privacy area expressing the guidelines adopted by San Domenico Cafè for the protection of personal data.
In the "Privacy Policies" section, the site management methods are discussed with regard to the treatment of the personal data of the users who consult it. This is an information that is also made pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Code on the protection of personal data) to those who interact with the services provided, via the Internet, by San Domenico Cafè, the data controller.
The information is rendered and is valid only for the www.SanDomenicoCafe.it site and not for any other websites that may be consulted through links.
Navigation on our site for consultation does not require any personal information request; however, technologies are in use that involve storing some data about the tools used, somehow referring to the Navigator; these are described as Privacy and Site Safety.
Personal information is required only at the Navigator site if you want to contact us; In such cases - wholly optional - the Navigator, after having read the information provided by law, will be able to provide the data necessary for the filing of the requests made.
In order to ensure maximum privacy compliance, San Domenico Cafè has been given a specific organization, described in Privacy on San Domenico Cafè.

Privacy and Site Safety

Below you will find some information on how to actively and passively collect information about the subjects / tools that interact with this site, as well as the security measures taken.
While navigating within a website is technically possible, even if there is no explicit registration to the service by the Navigator and without its active role, make a collection of information that, for these reasons, is defined as passive.
Specifically, they describe how to use IP Addresses, Session or Permanent Cookies, Internet Tags, Navigation Data, including any possibility to exclude them and their implications.

With regard to the passive collection of information the services offered on this site:

  • They do not use Ip Address to collect information, but store them in navigation data;
  • Use Data for statistical purposes only as aggregated data;
  • They use session cookies and permanent cookies only to improve navigation within the site, but not for statistical purposes. You may optionally disable, depending on your browser, the use of cookies; in this case navigation may not be as easy;
  • Do not use Internet Tags.

With regard to the active collection of information, the services offered on www.SanDomenicoCafe.it comply with the following:

  • IP Address (Internet Protocol Addresses): collects data from sent e-mails;
  • E-mail: Data received through the Website's e-mail contact are used exclusively to respond to the Navigator's requests and not for any other purpose; these data are retained for statistical purposes only and for verification of the existence of any previous occurrences;
  • Individual names may be entered into specific Mailing Lists only upon express request of the Navigator who wishes to receive certain documents (events, commercial information, etc.) on a regular basis;
  • Registration: To access certain services, the site provides for the acquisition of data via a special module. This information is used solely to respond to the sender's requests to provide the required services;
  • the present data will not be used for different purposes;
  • Cookies: Session cookies and permanent cookies are used for statistical purposes. You may optionally disable, depending on your browser, the use of cookies; in this case navigation may not be just as easy.

The cookie is a header file that consists of an arbitrary text string that is stored by the client in a directory. Cookies remain in the system within a due date (beyond which it should not be considered valid) and can assign a user index and keep track of its navigation within the site, usually for the purpose of creating statistics.
To enable or disable cookies or decide which ones to accept or exclude, you can configure your browser to clear them. An example to handle cookies on FireFox is given by mozilla support on the page support.mozilla.org

Privacy in San Domenico Cafè

San Domenico Cafè treats third-party personal data by taking every measure necessary to ensure the confidentiality and security of the data processed, in tune with technological advances in general and with the information technology in particular.

San Domenico Cafè, in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, is organized as follows:

  • the holder of the treatment is San Domenico Cafè, who has appointed San Domenico Cafè for the purposes of applying the company's privacy policy;
  • San Domenico Cafè is "responsible for responding to the subject when exercising the rights under Article 7", with privacy-related and outward-looking interface; each interested party will be able to apply for the exercise of his / her access rights and to acquire any further information regarding privacy;
  • for specific technical or organizational needs, San Domenico Cafè uses third parties to whom it entrusts parts of its process. These subjects may take on the role of "Employees" or "Managers" of San Domenico Cafè treatments, or operate in full autonomy as distinct "Managers" of subsequent treatments for the same purposes pursued by firm.
    San Domenico Cafè acquires only the personal data strictly necessary for completing the required services or the purposes for which they were collected, providing the information specification;
  • particular attention is paid to sensitive data, which are only processed after assessing on a case-by-case basis the impossibility of handling them in anonymous form. San Domenico Cafè treats personal data by adopting the necessary security measures, whether physical or informative, in accordance with the Privacy Code and the Technical Specifications attached thereto.

At the end of the treatment, San Domenico Cafè ensures the compulsory retention of the data processed and, in the absence of such obligation or expiration of this term, provides for their cancellation or anonymisation.

The person concerned may contact the San Domenico Cafè for any information regarding personal data and in particular for:

  • have the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, obtaining the intelligible communication of the data themselves;
  • to obtain the indication of the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of processing and the logic applied in the case of treatment by means of electronic means;
  • obtain the list of subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data are communicated or who may become aware of them as Managers and Officials (see, for example, a list of subjects to whom data is communicated for purposes related to the provision of services);
  • request the updating or rectification of the data processed and, in the event of a violation of the law, cancellation or transformation in anonymous form or block;
  • object, in whole or in part, to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons or for commercial purposes.

Your privacy claims may be addressed to:

San Domenico Cafè | 11 San Domenico Maggiore Square - 80134 Naples | Phone Number: +39 000.00000000

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